Präzisionsgeschmiedete teile sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil moderner Fertigungstechniken, die höchste Genauigkeit und Effizienz erfordern. Diese Teile zeichnen sich durch ihre Fähigkeit aus, sehr enge Toleranzen von +/- 0,1 mm zu erreichen, was sie ideal für den Einsatz in komplexen Verbindungen macht, ohne dass zusätzliche mechanische Bearbeitung erforderlich ist. Die Herstellung erfolgt durch das Heißprägen, bei dem Stäbe erhitzt und in das passende Schmiedewerkzeug eingelegt werden. Nach dem Schmiedeprozess werden die Halbfertigprodukte getrimmt und durchbohrt, um verschiedene Formen und Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Diese Präzisionsteile sind aus Edelstahl, Legierungs- und Kohlenstoffstählen gefertigt und bieten eine hohe Flexibilität in der Anwendung.
Our expertise lies in the meticulous development of tooling for both steel and aluminum forgings, ensuring that the need for post-processing of the pieces is minimized. By perfecting the tooling process, we strive to deliver forgings of exceptional quality with minimal additional work required.
Moreover, we offer valuable recommendations to our clients regarding potential alterations to the forging piece aimed at reducing costs without compromising on quality. Our goal is to optimize both the piece and the die to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Step drill bits are engineered for versatility and efficiency in metalworking applications. These bits feature a unique stepped design that allows for drilling multiple hole sizes with a single tool, reducing the need for multiple bits and saving time. Constructed from high-quality carbide and often coated for enhanced wear resistance, these step drill bits provide clean, burr-free holes in various metals, including stainless steel and other alloys. They are indispensable tools for professionals in electrical, HVAC, and sheet metal fabrication sectors.
As we use the latest machines, we are also not lagging behind in software development. We constantly updated our Mastercam CAD/CAM system which is one of the leaders in the world.
Mastercam offers CAD/CAM software tools for a variety of CNC programming needs, from
basic to complex (3- and 5-axis CNC machining). It is designed as a comprehensive solution for manufacturing efficiency therefore, our custom milling parts are produced faster, with greater accuracy, quality, and repeatability.
* Bending up to 4000mm in length
* 240 tons of power
We bend even more complex products and, if necessary, manufacture unique tools. Bending all types of materials and thicknesses. CAD models are used for bending simulation.
Prikaz REGGA TOOL - pakiranje
Obstaja več vrst pakiranja
Pakiranje setov ali enojno pakiranje
15 vrst različnih pakiranj
9 vrst različnih dimenzij
3 vrste različnih dimenzij za akril
6 vrst različnih dimenzij za silikon
Service and maintenance of plastic injection molding tools. Regular service and maintenance of tools reduce cost of production downtime and control the quality of injection molded products. Regular and careful maintenance can prevent parts breakdowns and reduce the overall cost of injection molding.
As your new strategic partner, MARSI can help you reduce the risks and costs associated with plastic injection molding. We can help you with unique, high quality and affordable complete maintenance of your tools. In our company we have skilled toolmakers who provide high quality service of tools up to 5 t/half.
Zu unseren hochpräzisen Produkten gehören auch Werkzeugteile und Formkörper aus verschiedenen Werkzeugstählen. Oberflächen und Massen werden streng geschont, damit die Werkzeuge ein perfektes Ergebnis ermöglichen. Die Teile werden im 3D- oder 5-Achs-Verfahren gefertigt, dadurch ist die Genauigkeit der Einzelteile auf höchstem Niveau.
Die Kombination von unterschiedlichen Materialien, Technologien und Herstellungsverfahren ermöglicht uns spezifisch für unsere Kunden leichte, innovative Produkte zu entwickeln, die auch bei geringen Stückzahlen bereits wirtschaftliche Fertigung ermöglichen.
Die Teile werden nach Wunsch auch geändert und nachbearbeitet.
Höchste präzision im Formenbau!
This is our primary area of expertise. We manufacture custom-made tools as well as tools which we use in our own manufacturing process. We do everything from initial design and development of necessary equipment to the construction of tools and complementary components. We also test our products and make necessary adjustments. We manufacture a broad array of tools such as simple blades, advanced blades with bending capabilities, advanced progressive tools, threading tools and drawing tools. These tools are then utilised to manufacture components, used in a wide range of industries.
Construction, mold flow analysis and technical drawings for two cavity tool was made. Two obliquely hydraulics side cores and two stage ejecting for purpose of part without draft angles were made.
Smart tools have built-in chips, sensors and detectors to identify important maintenance data.
Sensor-equipped tools allow the buyer to measure and control various parameters such as:
- Wear control of cutting blades
- Forming forces
- Cutting forces
- The resultant of forces on the press
- Number of pieces
- Move and waste control
- Control of key dimensions of the end product
- Pressure control
- Control of the injection of screws, nuts and other elements
Tool chipping
In order to achieve higher cost effectiveness of maintenance, we equip replaceable tool parts with RFID chips. The data that the buyer reads with the RFID reader is transmitted from the server of EMO Orodjarna. In this way, the buyer can read with the RFID reader all the necessary information required to produce or order a new position at EMO Orodjarna.
Virtualization of tools
Enhanced reality and virtualization technology enables greater reliability and repeatability of the work process for the buyer.
Third Kickstarter campaign came to life in 2020 to expand to a new part of fermentation. The passion for useful design and tasty fermented food lead to development of this new item that combines all the important features needed for successful ferment.
CNC obdelavo orodnih plošč različnih materialov in velikosti do 2200 x 1500 mm do 5.000 kg.
- obdelujemo obdelovance različnih materialov kot so: orodna jekla,
- konstrukcijska jekla, barvne kovine
- pred in po toplotni obdelavi
- do velikosti 2200 x 1500 mm
- do teže 5.000 kg
- na vašo željo izdelamo merilni protokol
trokovnjaki za nože za plastiko in reciklažo.
Noži za plastiko in reciklažo so izdelani iz visoko legiranih orodnih jekel. Posamezni legirni elementi v teh jeklih so ključnega pomena za kvaliteten rez, visoko odpornost proti obrabi ter mehanskim obremenitvam.
Sodobna tehnološka oprema za mehansko in termično obdelavo, lasten konstrukcijski oddelek in razvoj ter dolgoletne izkušnje nam omogočajo, da so noži za reciklažo in plastiko TRO vedno izdelani v zahtevanih tolerancah glede dimenzij in termične obdelave. Zato poleg standardnih orodnih jekel vedno bolj uporabljamo tudi inovativne vrste jekel, ki jih nabavljamo le pri najboljših evropskih proizvajalcih orodnih jekel.
On CNC machining centres, we produce elements made of iron, stainless steel, grey cast iron and aluminium. Non-ferrous metals and plastics can also be processed. The controllers on the machining centres also allow us 3D processing. We process both serial pieces as well as individual parts and prototypes in the highest tolerances with our machine park. Our qualified experts can provide you even with the most demanding construction elements.
Excellent features of Toolox make it applicable in endless applications in variety of industries. Toolox is exceptionally machinable, dimensionally stable, resistant to fatigue and has high cleanliness. On top of all these guaranteed properties, Toolox also has excellent polishing qualities. Toolox is prehardened so additional heat treatment Is not necessary which results in significant time savings.
Associates in the Mega-Metal d. o. o. are very proud of our mechanical processing, which meets the strictest requirements of clients from electrical and mechanical industry. Our machine park consists of various CNC milling machines, including 5-axis machining arms, with which we can process work pieces of different dimensions and complexity. We handle both prototypes and serial pieces. Maximum dimensions of milled pieces: 3.500 x 3.500 x 12.000 mm, 20 t.
Naprava za popravilo ograj je univerzalen priključek za nabijanje in izvleko jeklenih stebričkov in odbojnih ograj. Prav tako lahko z napravo ravnamo poškodovane odbojne ograje. Vgradimo jo na nosilno ploščo delovnega vozila ali kamiona z vgrajeno hidravlično napravo. Z dodatnimi orodji lahko brez težav izdelujemo luknje za smernike ali količke za zimsko označevanje cestišč, z vrtalom pa lahko izvrtamo luknje do premera 300 mm in globine 1000 mm. Napravo krmilimo s prenosnim krmilnim pultom.
Blagovna znamka Smania se ukvarja z uvozom in prodajo izdelkov za vsakdanjo rabo. Ponuja širok nabor preko 800 različnih izdelkov po veleprodajnih cenah za podjetja. Dobavni čas v preko 20 evropskih držav od 1 - 3 delovne dni. Na voljo so izdelki v kategorijah dom in vrt, mame in otroci, vse za avto, hišni ljubljenčki, kuhinja, lepota in zdravje, modni dodatki, oblačila in obutev, orodje, potrošni material, šport in prosti čas in zabavna elektronika.
P-Line je mlajši brat linije XP-Line. Je preprost, enostaven in uporaben za osnovne uporabnike, ki se ukvarjajo z lesenimi ali plastičnimi izdelki. Ima 20 mm linearna vodila in natančna kroglična vretena, kar ga uvršča v sam vrh vstopnega CNC razreda. Stroj je v celoti sestavljen in opremljen z krmilnikom Black-Box ter vso potrebno elektroniko.
Postopek 42 je postopek sprostitve v prost promet in vnosa v domačo porabo za blago, ki je oproščeno DDV v okviru davčne dobave v drugo državo članico. Ob sprostitvi v prost promet se za blago plačajo carina in druge uvozne dajatve, ker pa bo izvršena davčna dobava blaga v drugo državo članico, se blago oprosti plačila DDV.
Postopek 42 se dovoli, če so v deklaraciji navedeni:
•Slovenska identifikacijska številka za DDV uvoznika ali njegovega davčnega zastopnika
•Identifikacijska številka za DDV prejemnika blaga iz druge države članice in
•Dokaz, da bo blago zapustilo območje Republike Slovenije in bo šlo v drugo državo članico.